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3 Common Urological Problems to Look Out For

3 Common Urological Problems to Look Out For

Did you know that many urological problems can develop in women and men? Some people have these problems and don’t realize they’re more common than most people realize because they’re not the kinds of things people tend to talk openly about with others. These are some of the most common urological problems and what to look out for before discussing the matter with a urologist.

1. Urinary Incontinence

When most people think about urinary incontinence, they think of toddlers and seniors who may struggle to hold their urine as long as the average person. While both women and men can experience this problem, it’s more common in women and is even more likely to happen in those who’ve given birth. Some of the common signs of urinary incontinence include:

  • Leaking urine throughout the day
  • Experiencing pressure and strong urges to quickly use the bathroom for relief
  • Urinating in the middle of the night
  • Getting up multiple times in the middle of the night because you feel the urge to urinate

If you’re experiencing some or all of these symptoms, there’s a good chance that you’re experiencing urinary incontinence and need to speak to a professional about it. In some instances, you may receive a prescription for medication that helps control the bladder to prevent urinary incontinence. Making lifestyle changes can help, too. In rare instances, a urologist may recommend a surgical procedure to help. You can also wear panty liners or adult diapers for additional protection.

2. Kidney Stones

Another common urological issue is kidney stones. Lots of people will experience kidney stones at some point in their lives. It’s important to understand that this issue is painful and can lead to hospitalization. If you’re not sure if what you’re experiencing is kidney stones or not, these are some of the signs to look out for:

  • Blood in urine
  • Foul odor when urinating
  • The constant need to urinate 
  • Sharp and sudden abdominal pain

While there are other signs, these are the most common ones that occur when dealing with kidney stones. If you’re dealing with this problem, it’s best to contact your physician who may recommend reaching out to a urologist or visiting your local hospital for treatment. When the pain becomes unbearable, it’s common for people to visit the hospital for help.

In some instances, the medical professionals can use sound waves to start breaking up the larger stones, making it easier for them to pass through. You can also receive pain-relieving medication while being encouraged to consume lots of water to keep yourself hydrated during this process. 

In addition to these options, medical professionals may prescribe different medications to help, including anti-inflammatory medicines and diuretics. If you go to the hospital, they may use IV fluids to assist with keeping you hydrated while passing the painful stones.

3. Overactive Bladder

Millions of people living in the United States deal with overactive bladder each year. If you’re not sure what this means, someone with an overactive bladder will need to use the bathroom more often than those without an overactive bladder. And, the urge to urinate often comes at random and unexpected moments, including at night when the individual is trying to sleep. Some of the common signs of an overactive bladder include:

  • Constantly feeling the urge to urinate, even after using the bathroom
  • Struggling to make it in time without urinating yourself
  • Wetting the bed in the middle of the night, even as an adult
  • Leaking urine while doing basic things, such as walking, sneezing, and jumping

Living with an overactive bladder is a challenge. You don’t know when you’ll feel the urge to urinate and might not have access to the bathroom to release yourself.  Unfortunately, there isn’t a cure for overactive bladder, but there are several things you can do to get relief when dealing with this specific urological problem.

Lifestyle changes are most important. People who are overweight have a greater chance of experiencing an overactive bladder. Losing weight, eating healthier foods, and taking prescription medication can help. It’s important to discuss the symptoms you’re experiencing with an experienced urologist to get the help you need.

The Different Urological Problems That Can Develop

These are some of the most common urological problems to look out for because they can happen to anyone. It doesn’t matter your age, overall health, or weight because you can end up experiencing one or more of these urological issues. If so, it’s vital to talk about your symptoms with a urologist who can go over treatment options with you. 

Even if there aren’t cures available for the issue you’re experiencing, there are often ways to reduce the severity of the issue while taking the right approach. Always make it a priority to speak with a skilled urologist who can listen to the details of your symptoms and provide you with various options.

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